Ribbon blender 1000 litre
Ribbon Blender 1000 litre
Ribbon blender 1000 litre (open)
Double spiral of a ribbon blender
Paddle Mixer
Paddle mixers are most commonly used to mix animal feed and related products
Ribbon blender
Ribbon Blender supplied with support platform

Ribbon blenders are common industrial mixing machines, used extensively across many industries for blending and mixing dry powders, granules, pellets and flakes. Paddle Mixers are most commonly used to mix animal feed and related products.

Facet Ribbon Blenders consist of a U-shaped horizontal trough fitted with a horizontal longitudinal shaft on which arms are mounted, supporting a combination of ribbon blades, paddles or helical screws set at a fairly close clearance to the trough so that all product is evenly mixed.

The most effective configuration of a ribbon blender is using a double spiral. As the outer ribbon moves the product in one direction and the inner ribbon moves it in the opposite direction, this creates axial flow, which prevents product build-up and extends mixing times.

Ribbon blenders can be used to mix a wide variety of dry powdered products, homogeneously. These include spices, powdered mixes, cosmetic powders, chemical additives, fertilizers and ceramic powders, just to name a few.

Ribbon blenders are effective in mixing product of a similar size, shape and density. It is important to note that the capacity of a ribbon blender should never be exceeded, as this may render the mixer and/or blades ineffective and result in the product not being adequately mixed.

When considering the model/size of a ribbon blender, the bulk density of the product being mixed must be taken into consideration. Contact our design office for assistance in selecting the correct ribbon blender for your application. 




FMRB-250  250 litre


500 litre


1000 litre


1500 litre


2000 litre


2500 litre


3000 litre

*Above capacities are indicative only and are based on a product Bulk Density of 750kg/m³. For more information, consult with our design office.


  • Manufactured in 304 stainless steel
  • All internal welds ground smooth and polished
  • External welds are acid de-scaled
  • Direct shaft-mounted gearbox
  • Hinged stainless steel cover
  • Central ingredients access lid with safety grid
  • Heavy duty outboard bearings
  • PTFE shaft seals (food grade)

Do you need a quotation or further information on our Process Engineering solutions? CONTACT US.

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